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The Pond

Click on the pictures below to see a larger version with explanation (about 45K each)

Location of the pond -
January 4, 2000

Digging out the hole -
January 5, 2000

Hole completed -
January 7, 2000

Pond bottom from waterfall -
January 7, 2000

Pond view from bottom -
January 7, 2000

Path to pond -
January 15, 2000

Wall for waterfall -
January 15, 2000

Pad for pond liner -
January 19, 2000

Pond liner -
January 20, 2000

Placing the boulders -
January 25, 2000

Measuring the depth -
February 2, 2000

Filling the pond -
February 3 - 6, 2000

More filling the pond -
February 8 - 12, 2000

Waterfall running -
February 18, 2000