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Electrical and Venting   |   Interior Walls   |   Cabinets   |   Landscaping   |   Pond

Air Vents and Electrical

Click on the pictures below to see a larger version with explanation (about 45K each)

The trench for the power conduit for the house - January 9, 1999

Recessed ceiling lights being baked out - January 9, 1999

Vents and electrical conduit in attic - January 9, 1999

The electric panel with power filters - March 19, 1999

Vent fans in attic - March 19, 1999

Exhaust vent - March 19, 1999

Projector room metal walls - March 19, 1999

Shower plumbing - March 19, 1999

Courtyard fixtures - March 19, 1999

House lights turned on -
April 18, 1999

Interior doors and walls